Sell Side & Vendor due diligence

GEMM  provides sell-side and lender transaction services to a full spectrum of family and private equity owned businesses.  


Our Key services include:

  • Historical financial analysis – Quality of earnings and Quality of working capital analyses/cash flow
  • Analysis of operations – We analyse a Company’s operations to understand if there is an opportunity to present operational process improvements and potential future benefits from our analysis to enhance value of true deal.
  • Projections – Identification of key projection assumptions, sensitivity analysis and risk profile.
  • Working capital analysis including but not limited to:
    • Assessing contractual agreements impact on the financial statements particularly key customer and vendor agreements.
    • Analysing cyclicality of the Target’s business and assessing working capital needs based on quality of cash flows.
    • Understanding required maintenance and expansion capital expenditures.
  • Sale and purchase agreement assessment